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Forest Bridges' response to the Supreme Court decision not to hear the Consolidated Case regarding the Antiquities & O&C Acts.

Interim Special Edition


Forest Bridges in Action

Forest Bridges Responds to the

BLM's draft RMP-EIS for the

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

The O&C Forest Habitat Project respectfully submits substantive comments in the paper that follows, entitled:





Our aim in providing our analysis and comments (that follow in more detail) is to support the BLM in selecting an active management alternative that adequately and expeditiously addresses dry forest ecosystems on the CSNM that are overstocked, low in heterogeneity, and facing drought,

disease and unprecedented stand-replacing fires. By taking this approach, we believe the BLM will honor the stated framework of conservation, protection, and restoration in the CSNM; the Tribes will be honored for their historical forest stewardship approaches as well as in the BLM including

them as vital CSNM restoration and on-going management partners; and the public will come to appreciate the level of intensive management that is needed in the short-term to ensure a lasting, ecologically and visually rich Monument. And, of course, the CSNM will achieve and maintain

sustainable, fire- and climate-resilient forests meeting multiple needs -- our collective ultimate goal.

It is our sincere hope that the BLM will consider our arguments for Alt B over Alt C, with considerations for managing more intensively (as needed) within the reserves for the CSNM. We appreciate, in advance, the BLM’s efforts to actively engage with the other appropriate Federal

agencies, the state governments and appropriate agencies, local county governments, and the Tribes to collaboratively arrive at the best active management alternative for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.

Executive Director Denise Barrett, Provides Public Testimony to the Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) at its April 16, 2024 meeting in Weaverville, California

Forest Bridges Executive Director Denise Barrett was among a dozen or so members of the public providing testimony (limited to 3 minutes) to the Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) at its April 16, 2024 meeting in Weaverville, California.

 The NWFP FAC met over three days to finalize its multi-dimensional recommendations to the Forest Service

as it updates the NWFP, as well as 128 national forest plans.

In February, Forest Bridges submitted substantive written public comments to the USDA Forest Service as an

 Active Conservation Management proposal for the Forest Service Controverted O&C Lands of Western Oregon.

Denise provided details of this proposal to the committee and, following her testimony, delivered written copies to the

Forest Service Region 6 Forester Jacque Buchanan and others on the FAC.

Forest Bridges has requested that the Forest Service consider its Active Conservation Management proposals as it updates the NWFP,

as well as the resource management plans for the six national forests that contain Forest Service O&C Lands.

A Summary of the Forest Bridges Active Conservation Management Proposal Adapted for the USDA Forest Service O&C Lands

Forest Bridges Active Conservation Management Proposal Adapted for the

USDA Forest Service O&C Lands

Roseburg Public Meeting #2 Presentation

Roseburg Public Meeting #1 Presentation

Forest Bridges' Proposed Management Alternative for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

Forest Bridges' Letter to the BLM regarding Proposed Conservation Use Rule


Forest Bridges in the News

Inside Douglas County Episode on KQEN

Inside Douglas County's Kyle Bailey interviewed

Forest Bridges Executive Director Denise Barrett about

Forest Bridges' recent submission of extensive comments

to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on the draft Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities

News Round Up

"As the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considers public comments to finalize its draft Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/EIS) for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Forest Bridges: The O&C Forest Habitat Project (Forest Bridges) is urging the

land management agency to choose a more intensive

active management alternative over its current

“moderate level” preferred alternative."

Forest Bridges:

Working Toward Agreement on O&C Lands

"I’m always interested in people seeking agreement about forest issues, and Oregon seems to be a long-time source of ongoing controversy." - Sharon Friedman, Ph.D.,

The Smokey Wire: National Forest News and Views

Executive Director, Denise Barrett Quoted in the News-Review

"The Bureau of Land Management released a draft update April 4 for the management plan for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.

This draft plan will allow the bureau to consolidate management of the monument, which is currently under three separate management plans. This will provide consistency for the bureau and for the public, the press release said..."

Denise Barrett, Executive Director of Forest Bridges on Inside Douglas County

"Denise explains how a recent Supreme Court decision denying review of a consolidated case by the AOCC and AFRC opens the door for broader consideration of Forest Bridges collaborative strategies."

Denise Barrett, Executive Director of Forest Bridges on the Rob Taylor Report

"Denise explains how Forest Bridges promotes a whole-lands-based, long-range “Active Conservation” approach based on the preponderance of scientific evidence to create forest policy tailored to 21st-century issues."

Forest Bridges featured in the SAF's "Western Forester"

"Based on cutting-edge science, time-honored Indigenous Knowledge and practices, and field practitioner experience..."

Forest Bridges joins

Inside Douglas County on KQEN

"Forest Bridges Executive Director Denise Barrett discusses the substantive comments the organization presented to the US Forest Service."

What is Forest Bridges?


"Forest Bridges is a grassroots nonprofit formed in 2015, with the goal to bring people together and foster sustainable forest health and habitats in the O&C Lands..."

Inside Douglas County Episode on KQEN

"A look at the nonprofit organization Forest Bridges with Executive Director Denise Barrett and co-founding board member Rick Sohn. Learn more about the organization and a proposal they have regarding the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in Oregon."

Non-Profit (Forest Bridges) Calls for Active Conservation of Cascade-Siskiyou Monument


Forest Bridges: Collaborating on solutions for BLM land management

"Rick Sohn has a dream. He wants to save wildland habitat on O&C timberlands managed by the BLM...."

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